Admin User Guide
  • 05 Feb 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Admin User Guide

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Article summary

Please ensure you have completed the Registration and Set Up steps before viewing this guide.

Click on any image to expand the view. 

When Compose is turned to On your home page will look like this.

Before starting determine the level of teacher involvement you would like to allow in the class creation process and set our program to match your needs.  Teacher Compose is our default setting. Admin Compose is for schools where teachers aren't involved in the class creation decision-making process. To learn more please visit the Teacher or Admin Compose article.  Let's start with Teacher Compose.

Teacher Compose

Assign a Lead Teacher

Within each grade level card click the Select button and choose your lead teacher for this grade level. This teacher will be the only one in that grade level to have the ability to run Compose and to move students on the Compose screen.  The other teachers in the grade level will have view only access to the Compose screen.

Compose Settings Option

This is an optional step allowing you customize the Compose for this grade level.  You can tell the system to cluster or evenly distribute identified students into certain classes for next year.  You can also choose a class to loop for next year.

To learn more please visit our Compose Settings article.

Invite Your Teachers

If you haven't invited your teachers to create a password to log in do that now.  Go to Users and click on the blue envelope icon for each teacher.

Compose Process Begins for Your Teachers

Your teachers will grade their students from their teacher dashboards.  When your teachers have completed the grading of all the Student Cards and run Compose you will see this status reflected with a green check mark next to step 2. The red View New (grade level) button will become enabled allowing you to view this grade level's progress.  Once they submit, which is their final step, you will see a green checkmark next to step 3.  

Once the grade level has submitted they will not have access to the Compose screen anymore. From here, you as the admin, can make make changes to student placement that will not be seen by your teachers. 

Reopen Access
If your teachers would like to have access again to the Compose screen you can select the Reopen Access button. Please visit this article to learn more: Reopen Access.

When you are satisfied with the placement in this grade level select: Finalized > Yes.  The image below shows the progression of steps:

Repeat for all the grade levels.   Having all grade levels set to Finalized is a requirement to enable the Move to Next Year button. When all the grade levels have been finalized the Move to Next Year button will become active.  See image below:

This is the last step in the process and will send the newly composed classes to all your teacher's for the next academic year. To learn more please visit our Move to Next Year article.

Admin Compose

The grade level card display for Admin Compose is essentially the same minus the Lead teacher and Submitted steps.

If you've invited your teachers to use the program they can do the grading of the Student Cards.  In Admin Compose mode your teachers will not have access to view the compose screen.  

As an Admin you can grade the students by going to the Current Year Digital Data Wall and clicking on a Student Cell to open the Student Card for each student. See two other options below for grading students.

Enter Scores in Table View

As an alternative you can enter scores in a grid like fashion by selecting the Enter Scores in Table View button.

Enter Scores Through a Data Import

Through our Update Student Import functionality you can do a bulk import of scores for one grade level through a CSV sheet.

To add a student:  Current Year Digital Data Wall > Add, Move, or Retain Students - turn On > Add Student or use our Import Students feature to do this process in bulk.

Once all the students are graded the next step is to run Compose. To learn how to grade please visit our Student Card article. 

From the Compose screen you can fine-tune Student Placement by dragging and dropping students into other classes.  The data table will instantly update when a student is moved.  If a placement request is violated a pop up message will appear allowing you to honor or override the request.  

To learn more please visit our Digital Data Wall article.