Data Insights with the Digital Data Wall
  • 09 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Data Insights with the Digital Data Wall

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Article summary

The Digital Data Wall becomes the key resource to guide discussions during your Professional Learning Communities. Spend more time discussing students vs. gathering and organizing data.

Student Centered Data

Index cards and Data Walls help focus conversations at the individual student level.

Listen to James Bond, Principal at Park Manor PS, discuss how teachers can learn from using Data Walls.

Listen to Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond discuss how index cards can be used to know every child in your school.

But Paper-Based Index Cards and Data Walls Have Problems

  • Time consuming to compile the data on each student.
  • Challenging to update the data on each student throughout the year.
  • Difficult to get a summary view of data across a grade level.

Solution: DIGITAL Data Wall

  • Spend more time discussing students vs. gathering and organizing data.
  • Easy to view individual student data.
  • Simple to get a summary view of the entire grade level data.

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