Student Pictures
  • 10 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
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Student Pictures

  • Dark

Article summary

With our Student Pictures feature you can add images that will be displayed for each student in their Student Card and Student Cell. To begin, select Yes for Display Student Picture in the Settings dashboard.

When enabled you’ll see the image icon placeholder in the Student Card and in the Student Cell.

Then select Import Pictures or Pictures under the Students section to access the Student Pictures import screen.

How are the student images labeled?

Before adding the images into the Drop files or click to select section, be mindful of how you’ve labeled the student images.  This will determine how the Map Pictures step will be handled in our system.  Here are the two options:

  1. Photos are labeled to match the Student IDs entered in Class Composer.

  2. Photo labels do not match the Student IDs entered in Class Composer.

Option 1: Image Labels Match Student IDs

In the image below, Allison has a student ID of 50 assigned to her in the system.  Her image has the label 50.png to match her assigned ID.

Her image in this example was dragged and dropped from the computer’s desktop into the import section.

Select Map Pictures > Map automatically > Confirm.

Student image will be added to the Student Card and Student Cell.

Option 2: Image Labels Do Not Match Student IDs

In the example below Andy’s image label is his name - not the Student ID in the system.  Jim’s image label is a number that doesn’t match his Student ID in the system.

The images for Andy and Jim are dragged and dropped from the computer’s desktop into the import section.

Select Map Pictures > Map using a CSV file > Confirm.

The Import Pictures of Students screen will be displayed.  Select the CSV Template button.

Open the sheet and replace the example data with the data to match the Student ID in Class Composer with the name of each student’s image.

After completing the sheet, save the sheet as a CSV > Choose File to upload > Save > Map Pictures.

At step 2 - Match Headers, select Continue.

At Step 3 - Confirm Data any errors can be corrected, then select Confirm Data.

Then select Import.

Student pictures are successfully added to the Student Card and the Student Cell.

What happens after students are migrated to the new school year - the Move to Next Year button is selected?

The student pictures will remain with the previous year data.  The student pictures will be blank for each student for the new year.  Pictures will need to be uploaded again for the same student for the new year.