  • 03 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

With our Identifiers feature you can create custom labels that can be assigned to students.  These Identifiers can then be used as a reference point on the compose screen when creating class lists.

Click on any image to expand the view.

Class Composer includes a list of identifiers to help you get started.  These can be edited (pencil icon) or deleted (red trash can).  To add a new custom Identifier: enter a three letter abbreviation, the full title, the grade level, then click the green Add button.  The maximum available identifiers you can enter is 30.

Identifiers will appear in the Student Card where it can be selected.  When selected the abbreviation will appear in the Student Cell for that student.

It will also appear on the data table of the Digital Data Wall. The image below shows the highlight feature. Clicking on the abbreviation in the data table will highlight all the students who are assigned that identifier.

You can assign certain identifiers to certain grade levels.

Move Feature

You can customize the location of where the identifiers appear on the Student Card and on the data table of the Digital Data Wall.  

This feature only works when All is selected.  See image below.

The images below show the default identifiers arrangement.

The GIF below shows the identifier EXT being moved to the top.

Resulting in this new display.

Compose Settings and Identifiers

Identifiers can be used to customize how students get placed into new classes for the next year. To learn more please visit our Compose Settings article.

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