Import Users
  • 09 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Import Users

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Article summary

Here you can do a bulk upload of all your staff. To start click on the Import Users button.

Click on any image to expand the view.

Click on the CSV Template button.

Open the template CSV. Replace the example data in rows 2, 3, and 4 (leave the header row alone) with your user data making sure to match the data with the appropriate columns.

Resave as a CSV.

Select Choose File > locate the newly saved user file on your device > click Open. Then select Upload Users.

Check Headers are matched. Click Continue.

If there are any mistakes it will be highlighted in red. Go back to edit your CSV and start over.

When no mistakes appear the Import button will be become active for you to select. The Users will be uploaded. Click Back to Users button to confirm.