Since we would use this once per year why should we subscribe?
  • 09 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Since we would use this once per year why should we subscribe?

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Article summary

Student Placement is the Foundation

The process to create class lists usually happens during a short time period for most elementary schools but the end result has an outsized impact on each classroom in your building for the entire next school year. Where students are placed and the composition of classes is the foundation of the overall classroom environment which has a direct impact on teaching and learning. When classes are equitable kids have a much better chance of getting their needs met so they can grow academically and socially.

As a classroom teacher do you remember the most challenging class you ever taught? Do you remember how hard it was on a daily basis to try and deliver effective instruction? A class like this will more than likely be created by accident next year for one of your teachers in your building simply because you are using an outdated paper-based process. With our program you will be able to see any inequity and make the necessary adjustments simply.

Data Insights Throughout the Year

After classes are created, and the new school year has started, our program can be used as the data source to help guide your grade level discussions during your Professional Learning Communities. Our Digital Data Wall can help you make more informed data-based decisions which will ultimately make a difference in the lives of your students. Please visit this article to learn more: Data Insights with the Digital Data wall