Specialist User Guide
  • 09 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Specialist User Guide

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Article summary

The specialist role is designed for teachers in your building who see students but aren't classroom teachers. This role could include reading interventionists, special ed teachers, librarians, art teachers, gym teachers, etc.

Verify Email, Set Password, and Log In

Once your administrator has finished the registration and setup process you will receive a welcome email from Class Composer. Open and click on Verify Email & Set Password button

Email hasn't arrived? Please follow these steps:

  1. Check your junk or spam folder.
  2. Confirm with your administrator that the invite email was sent and they entered your email correctly in the system.
  3. Contact us at support@classcomposer.com.

Click an any image to expand the view.

Then create your password and log in.

Class Composer Password and Log In

Specialist Dashboard

You will land on your dashboard. Click on any Current Year Digital Wall button to view students in that grade level. Select Groups in the top left to start creating groups. You can also Assign Assessments and Assign Identifiers.