Student Card and Student Cell
  • 09 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Student Card and Student Cell

  • Dark

Article summary

The Student Card is the one place to enter and view data for each student. Its primary purpose is to enable the creation of equitable classes but it is also useful throughout the school year as a student-centered data resource.

The Student Cell is a condensed version of the Student Card.

Top Section

This is where you will enter the student's first and last name, goes by name (optional), ID number, and gender.

Non Binary
If the child prefers to be identified as non binary this can be noted here. The outline of the Student Cell will change color to signify this designation.

Academic and Life Skills

The Reading, Math, Writing scores (Academic) and the Behavior and Work Skills scores (Life Skills) are required for Compose to be run when creating class lists for next year.

The Reading score will determine the Student Cell color. This color is also a quick visual representation of the student's overall academic level.

The Reading score will appear in the left side of the Student Cell.

The Behavior score will appear on the right side.

If a 2 or 1 is selected for the Behavior score the Student Cell color will change to highlight this designation.

Scoring Guides
To learn more about our scoring system please visit our Scoring Guides article.


During the Set Up process your school's custom Identifiers will be created. Click in the checkbox to select. Hovering over the abbreviation will display the full title. Once selected the abbreviation will be shown in the Student Cell.


During the Set Up process your school's custom Assessment fields will be created for each grade level. Scores for the beginning, middle, and end of year can be entered. Hovering over the abbreviation will display the full title.


Clicking on the green Notes button will open the Notes section. Here only the classroom teacher can enter notes.


Under the Messaging tab you can create a simple communication string with another teacher in an individual student’s Student Card.

Progress Monitoring

Within the Notes section you can also record Progress Monitoring data for students who receive more frequent intervention.

Placement Requests

There are three Placement Request options: Do NOT place with Student, Keep with Student, and Keep with Teacher. The Compose algorithm will honor these requests when students are first placed into new classes. They can be overridden when making changes on the Compose screen.

Limits on Placement Requests
The Placement Requests are designed to be used sparingly. There is no set amount but if too many are entered the algorithm will run out of options and just place the student into a class.

The Placement Request symbol will appear in the Student Cell when a request is made.

Keep with Teacher - Troubleshooting
Case 1: The drop-down list is "Disabled in Blind Sort Mode". Refer to this article.
Case 2: The drop-down list is empty or lists "None" as the only option. This happens if your administrator hasn't assigned teachers to next year's classes yet.