Deleting, Archiving, and Restoring Students
  • 09 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Deleting, Archiving, and Restoring Students

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Article summary

Archiving a student takes them out of the classroom and the Digital Data Wall. As an admin, you can then choose to permanently delete the student or restore them back to the same classroom. Watch the GIF below.

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Archiving a Student

To archive a student, open their student card and click the grey Archive button in the lower right corner of their card. They will be moved to the Archived Students page.

Students can only be archived one at a time.
If you uploaded many students to the wrong classroom or grade level and you need them deleted, please contact for help.

Deleting a Student

As an admin, you can permanently deleted an archived student from the Archived Students page.

Restoring a Student

To restore a student from the archive click on the circular arrow next to their name under the Action heading on the "Archived Students" page. They will be restored to the grade level they were archived from. If their original class is still there, you will find them in it, and if it has been deleted, you will find them in the hallway of that same grade.

You can't find the student you just restored?
The best way to find where a student is located would be to navigate to the All Students page and search for them.

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